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科技平林 / 2023-08-06 / 點閱數: 1798

AI 智慧小農夫


VR 眼鏡體驗 花東縱谷景觀





深海世界之旅 Journey into the Deep Sea - VR | National Geographic

埃及金字塔之旅 360°, Egyptian pyramids, Part I. 4К video

進入吉薩金字塔 360° Travel inside the Great Pyramid of Giza - BBC


link to aria-label=Moon Landing VR Experience! Join the Apollo 11 mission to ..., YouTube Seymour & Lerhn. 2 分鐘 11 秒. 2019 年 4 月 16 日. aria-level=3 data-hveid=CAYQAQ data-ved=2ahUKEwiR6_CLuc70AhWQLJQKHUJBANEQwqsBegQIBhAB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYT5IKxyX4Q ping=/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DaYT5IKxyX4Q&ved=2ahUKEwiR6_CLuc70AhWQLJQKHUJBANEQwqsBegQIBhAB role=heading

Moon Landing VR Experience! Join the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon With Education in 360!



First-Ever 3D VR Filmed in Space | One Strange Rock

Perseverance Mars Rover’s Mastcam-Z View of 'Van Zyl Overlook' (360 video + audio)

NASA’S Perseverance Rover’s First 360 View of Mars (Official)

Live from Mars 360° | National Geographic

360° VR Spacewalk Experience | BBC HOME


720°VR 走進故宮


Journey into the Deep Sea - VR | National Geographic

360° Underwater National Park | National Geographic

360° Great Hammerhead Shark Encounter | National Geographic


Lions 360° | National Geographic

Elephant Encounter in 360 - Ep. 2 | The Okavango Experience


360° Travel inside the Great Pyramid of Giza - BBC

360°, Egyptian pyramids, Part I. 4К video



Oculus Quest | First Steps


極限 360°虛擬實境雲霄飛車